Thursday, January 27, 2011

Errand day in George Town

Today we did all the things we had planned to do yesterday.  I'm not sure what the problem was with the outboard, or what/if I did anything to fix it.  (I think we might have had dirt or water in the fuel.)  At any rate, the dinghy started several times and we made two trips to town, 20 minutes each way.  Sue did laundry first thing while I tried to get on line to take care of some back home business.  The access was so slow I finally gave up.  I filled up our 3 five gallon water containers, free at the Exuma Market dock.  I also showed Nadine and Louis where everything was in the nifty little (emphasis on little) hardware store.  For a little store it had almost everything, except room to turn around.

By now Sue was about done with the laundry so, after we had things folded, I took our clean clothes back to the dinghy while Sue went looking for the Batelco office to buy a phone card so we could call home.  None of the four pay phones we found worked so we walked back to Batelco.  They said one of the phones (the one that usually worked as the other three were covered with dust!) should be working again in a couple of hours.  In the meantime we could use one of the office phones.  So Sue stood behind the gal at her desk and called the States.

Next we bought 10 gallons of diesel for $47.75 and headed back to the boat.  After putting the fuel and water in their respective tanks, and lunch, we headed back to town.  The phone still wasn't working so back to Batelco.  The lady recognized us and came back in a few minutes to tell us the phone was now working.  We walked back to the pay phone and indeed were able to make our phone calls.  We got another 15 gallons of water, another 10 gallons of diesel, and a pint of ice cream and headed back to tthe boat.  We arrived just before sunset which was too cloudy to see.

Our plan is to make one more trip to town tomorrow to see the sights and relax.  Possibly on Saturday we might head east to Long Island.


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