Friday, May 13, 2011

Things we haven't done in the last eight months...

Traveled 800 miles in less than a day.
Traveled 80 miles an hour.
Been over 3000 feet above sea level.
Were in the state of West Virginia.
Had a Whopper.
Slept in a bed in a building.
Read mail.
Saw how our driveway turned out after the big street project last fall.

Yesterday we got up around 5:30 (Yup, it's hard to believe there are two 5:30s every day!) and were on the road by 6:15.  Zim and Fluff weren't too excited being in a car again, but after a few hours they settled down and had nice long cat naps.  You boaters might appreciate this little experience.  After being on the boat so long and using the auto pilot whenever possible, once I got used to the traffic and the rental car I decided to use the cruise control.  The first thing I did after engaging the cruise was take my hands off the wheel.  It quickly became apparent that "cruise control" and "auto pilot" aren't quite the same thing!  It's also interesting that cars have a "cruise" function and boats have an "auto" function - go figure.  We got home around 9:30 - traveling with two cats adds a bit of time to pit stops.

This afternoon we're getting together with Sue's family.  Tomorrow there is a pre-wedding dinner, and then Saturday the wedding, which happens to be here in Saline. 


At May 17, 2011 at 8:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Richard and Sue: This is from Kip in Saline. Welcome home! I've immensely enjoyed your travel blog and found your writing very cogent and engaging. Now that you're back in Saline you'll probably discover that the weather is somewhat less than desirable; we've had one of the coldest and dampest springs in my memory and it seems we just will not have nice warm weather until mid-June.

I hope your cats survived the 14-hour car ride home in decent shape and everyone is doing well. I'll try to stop by one of these days after a bike ride to say hello.


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